
you are what you eat的理解,u are what u eat

what do you eat 2022-12-13 09:30 275 墨鱼
what do you eat

you are what you eat的理解,u are what u eat

⊙▽⊙ "You are what you eat." 其实是指食物可以反映人的性格。一个人的性格不多不少可以从他/她的生活习惯反映出来而由于"食"占人生很重要的一部份所以从一个人对"食"的态度和食物的谚语You are what you eat什么意思?第一层意思指的是一个人饮食习惯与人的健康之间的关系,可以译为:吃什么,像什么;自食其果One's overall health is linked t

●Talk about your feelings.It can help you stay in good mental health.It isn't a sign of weakness,but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.●EaYou are what you eat.中文意思是:你吃什么就像什么.)在70年代的时候,在美国有一个社会风潮,就叫做you are what you eat (你吃甚么,你就是甚么) ;意指:你吃进

∩▂∩ 有一句西方谚语:you are what you eat(人如其食),最近的自己深有体会。前一段时间,自己比价克制,饮食清淡,不重辣不重盐亦不重油。大多时候是自己在家做饭吃,firstly, you should decide what emotion you want to express and then make the emoticon's eyes. Secondly, make a nose. You can also ignore this step, because noses are n

好滴!可以的😊😊 Whatevaaa 2020-06-25 哈哈哈哈哈可爱cleo小姐姐(作者) : 妮塔儿2020-09-13 哈哈哈好搞笑闻奕Lucia蕾💖 2020-07-11 哈哈哈哈哈可爱一条小鱼游啊游You Are What You Eat. Depending on what you want from your body, you must put in it the right food. You need to pay special attention to what you eat. That’s rig

╯^╰〉 You are what you eat意思是吃什么像什么。这个充满智慧的俚语谈论到食物与健康之间的关系,似乎从19世纪起在其他种语言中就有类似说法。有些资料显示这句话的英文版本是到20世纪20you are what you eat的意思是“your overall health is linked to your eating habits”,即“人如其食”。这句谚语最早源于法国律师Anthelme Brillat-Savarin所写的作品中:Dis-mo


标签: u are what u eat



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