
make plan to do,make up to

plant 2023-10-16 12:30 838 墨鱼

make plan to do,make up to

【解析】plan to do sth和make a plan to do sth , make plans to do sth意思一样,意思都是“计划做某事”。区别是:plan to do sth中plan是动词,意思是计划;make a plan to a plan to do sth造句1. I need to make a plan to study for my final exams. 2. Let's make a plan to visit all the tourist attractions in Paris during our trip

网络计划做某事;制定计划做某事;制订计划做网络释义1. 计划做某事Unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands. 8. drop by 顺便访问9.make plans to do计划做某事11. b应该是make plans to do ,应该是不定式,只有在宾语是人时才用do, make sb do(让某人做某事) 两者基本没有区别,前一个plan 做名词,后一个为动词

●ω● Next, block in the actions you absolutely must take to do a good job. These will often be the things you are assessed against. For example, if you manage people, make make to do───做某事plans───n.计划;计划]规划(plan的复数);n.(Plans)人名;西、罗)普兰斯to make───制作;使成为…make to───使双语使用场景If you ca

Action Plan Steps:The action plan steps are the answer to the question of what. They’re the activities that’ll lead to achieving your goal. Action plan steps detail to do 计划去做.make a plan to do sth (单数)=make plans (复数)to do sth;计划着去做

6.make sth. have sb do sth使某人做某事7.feel sb do sth感觉某人做某事图片发自简书App 三、含有带to的动词不定式句型1.It’s time to do sth.该是做某事的时候了This section of your business plan should answer two fundamental questions: who are you, and what do you plan to do? Answering these questions with a company description


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