10-18 897
shapeofyou教学唱 |
I'm in love with the shape of you 我深陷在以你名状的爱里We push and pull like a magnet do 如磁铁相吸相斥却互不分离Although my heart is falling too1、Shape of youThe club isn't the best place to find a lover夜店不是找另一半的绝佳场所So the bar is where 1 go所以酒吧很适合我Me and my friends at th
shapeofyou歌词Shape of you The club isn't the best place to find a lover 夜店不是找另一半的绝佳场所So the bar is where I go 所以酒吧很适合我Me and my friends at“Shape of You“是Ed Sheeran和Castle On The Hill.”一起发表的一首歌。这两首歌是他第三张专辑”÷“首次发表。“Shape Of You”以热带浩室风格的主旋律和舞厅节拍为基础。节奏由
⊙△⊙ Come—come onnow, follow my lead 中文版歌词这俱乐部不是个能找到安慰的地方所以我们去往酒吧我和我朋友们在桌前干着杯一饮而尽再缓缓诉起衷肠这时你I'm in love with the shape of you One week in we let the story begin We're going out on our first date But you and me are thrifty so go all you can eat Fill up yo
I'm in love with the shape of you One week in we let the story begin We're going out on our first date But you and me are thrifty so go all you can eat Fill up yo我爱上了特别的你
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标签: shapeofyou中文意思
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