
用I can造句并翻译10句,any造句简单而短四年级

can造句简单小学 2023-10-15 14:32 992 墨鱼

用I can造句并翻译10句,any造句简单而短四年级

ican造句1.I can draw a beautiful picture which can make people feel pleased. 2.I can make a delicious cake, which is full of the flavour of chocolate. 3.I can wr2、能够听懂并发出与农场相关的简单的指令,如,Shear a sheep. 3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。4、培养学生用英语交流的能力,为学生的进一步学习奠定

Hi. I understand that the English word “oversight”has more than one meaning. Can you tell me what those meanings are? ChatGPT: Yes, the word "oversight" has severalI can do it.I can finish my homework.I can see you.I can guess your age.I can hear you.I can dance.I can swim.I can reach the apple on the tree.I can ca

˙▽˙ I can speak Chinese; I can read book; I can answer that question; I can make friend with you;《红楼梦》第十六回)I'm incapable of running things.I'm too ignorant,blunt and tactless,always getting hold of the wrong end of the stick.And I'm so

1.I can probably make the time to see them. 我大概能腾出时间去看望他们。2.I cant see any future in this relationship. 我看不出这个关系会有什么前途。can(能,会)例如:I can swim.我会游泳。may(可以)例如:You may go now.你现在可以走了。must(必须)例如:You must do your homework.你必须写作业。need(需要)

I can go to school along.我可以自己上学Can I watch the surgery? CanIcanyou sneak me in? 我能观看手术么?你能偷偷带我进去么?I think It is important thatIcanearn much money. 可以赚钱。I need a checking


标签: any造句简单而短四年级



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