
empty to,tempting to

emptyinto 2023-08-07 18:49 338 墨鱼

empty to,tempting to

empty+ n. 1.We returned the empty bottles to the shop. 我们把空瓶子还给了商店。用作表语S+be+empty 1.The cistern is empty but soon fills again. 贮13. He was, to adopt an Americanism, "an empty suit". 他,套用一句美国人的说法,就是“徒有其表”。14. Chang seemed surprised to find the big living-room empty. 张看到偌

empty on/on empty to 英美把倒在上分享单词到:be empty of 没有,无…empty of 缺乏,无empty into 涌入empty the bag v. 和盘托出empty symbol 空符号store empty 存储器空empty function 【计】空函数empty


˙ω˙ 1. Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve.  将锅⾥的东西倒到筛⼦上。  2. She showed him around the ground floor of the empty house.  她带他参观了这处emptyToNull方法功能为:它与nullToEmpty相反,如果传入了空字符串,则返回null,否则返回原始字符串。Test public void testStringsOfEmptyToNull() { System.out.println(Strings.e

empty: 意思是“里面没有东西”、“一无所有”,具有“空无一物”的隐含意义,它可以用来描绘box、vessel、cupboard、bag、purse、room、house、street、stomach、head 等词。importnxt.util.Convert;//导入方法依赖的package包/类@OverrideJSONStreamAwareprocessRequest(HttpServletRequest req)throwsNxtException{ String aliasName = Convert.em


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