

policewoman造句简单 2023-10-16 21:17 967 墨鱼


18、Thismusicianhas composed a lovely piece of music. 19、Some people say Patricia Barber is a sellout because she's a popular jazzmusicianas opposetake pride in造句简单1. As a chef, I take pride in creating delicious and visually appealing dishes for my customers. 2. The school takes pride in its diverse st

He has been a famous musician for a long time, but he plays nolonger. 他成为有名的音乐家已很久了,但他现在不演奏了。25.instead of代替……而不……They must go ou7. 这位musician在音乐创作上有着独特的才华,他的作品充满了创意和艺术性。8. 作为一名musician,他的音乐作品经常在各大音乐节目中播放。9. 这位musician的演唱会吸引了众

∪△∪ you造句简单1. You are my best friend and I am grateful for your support. 2. You should always follow your dreams and never give up. 3. You can achieve anything yMay是一个常用的英文名字,下面是以May为题的10个简单造句:1. May is my best friend, we have known each other since kindergarten. 2. May loves to read books, she has

musician造句1、The musician strummed softly on his guitar and sang a lullaby. 2、The musician played a gorgeous melody on the piano with her fingers. 3、The musimusician造句1、The musician wrote a beautiful song about his beloved hometown. 2、The musician played a lively tune on the keyboard, and the audience was swept a

discover造句简单带翻译1. I want to discover new places and experience different cultures when I travel. (我想在旅行中发现新地方,体验不同文化。2. The scientist musician造句1、The world-famous musician, John, is a master of the electric guitar. 2、The talented musician wrote a song about his love for his city. 3、The mus


标签: world造句简单并翻译



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