一乐求善法;二尊重正法;三以正法而自娱乐;四于说法者敬如师长;五如说修行。以此善根愿离女身,速成男子,回向菩提,是名为五。 复次,女人成就六法,得离女身,速成...
12-25 876
getover和goover |
get out from under,getout的用法
Among the political debates over our trade with the EU bureaucracy once we get out from under their ponderously complex self-preserving rules, the question of the legitimacy of water“The judge was lying from the get-go that he was well aware of the challenges that I have,”Shores said. During the years that he did not fall under 100 percent disability, he pai
这家公司成功地获得了必要的现金,才摆脱了财务负担。用法小结:通过以上学习,大家可以体会到,get out from under 是一个动词短语,后可接名词作宾语,也可不接,表达“摆脱困比如:When the doctor pulls your teeth, you’d betterbe put under. 医生给你拔牙时,你最好打个麻醉。同义替换:anaesthetize[ə'nɛsθətaɪz]使麻醉,使失去感觉/put to sleep/
get out from under 英美脱离艰困,解除困境英汉get out from under什么意思,get out from under翻译基本解释网络:脱离艰困;解除困境;度过难关例句The real question is: Are we prepared to get out from under the c
outfromunder挖脱离危难gotoutfromunder挖脱离困境,解除困境getunder挖v. 控制,镇压get挖got gotten 或got getting, gets vt. 获得,变成,收获,使得,挣得,受到(A.get on B.go on C.get in D.go in 9. [ ] A.behind B.under C.below D.beside 10. [ ] A.however B.whatever C.whenever D.wherever 11. [ ] A.a B.one
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标签: getout的用法
一乐求善法;二尊重正法;三以正法而自娱乐;四于说法者敬如师长;五如说修行。以此善根愿离女身,速成男子,回向菩提,是名为五。 复次,女人成就六法,得离女身,速成...
12-25 876
七月,蓝天如洗,鸽哨嘹亮;七月,江山如画,鲜花怒放;七月,彩旗飘扬,笑语欢唱。在这美好的七月,我们伟大的党也迎来了她100岁的生日。 忆往昔峥嵘岁月,百年史浸满多少屈辱的泪水,数十年...
12-25 876
形容清晨美好的句子6 1、晨曦徐徐拉开了帷幕,又是一个绚丽多彩的早晨,带着清新降临人间。 2、刚刚起身的太阳呵,精神抖擞,红光四溢,把整个世界照得通亮。 3、清晨,每每醒来总会听到的...
12-25 876
1焱波焱骏焱祺焱江焱云焱淇 2焱青焱信焱卿焱楠焱明焱锟 3焱鹏焱驰焱麒焱超焱鸿焱荣 4焱秋焱田焱丰焱城焱忠焱嘉 5焱棋焱杰焱昊焱奎焱尧焱绪 6焱禾焱磊焱威焱涛焱晖焱煌 7焱致焱芳焱...
12-25 876