
on guard造句,jaw造句

unpack造句 2023-08-14 19:32 666 墨鱼

on guard造句,jaw造句

on guard值班,站岗;提防,警惕advance guardn.(军队)前卫,先锋派balanced guard平衡防护装置,平衡卫板cab guard司机室护板electrode guard电极防护罩gear guard齿轮传动1. 站岗,值班:on foot 步行;在进行中| on guard 站岗,值班| on hand 现有;在手边;临近2. 警惕,防范:on foot / / 步行| on guard / / 警惕,防范| on hand / / 在手边,临

1. The police officer was on duty when he received a call about a robbery in progress. 2. The doctor was on duty at the hospital when a patient was rushed in with单词:on guard的单词意思解释释义在岗,警惕与单词:on guard 相关的例句或者名人名言The rancher must always be on guard against the dangers that nature can creat

≥▽≤ on guard造句复制1、You should beon guardwhen a stranger comes to your doors.(当陌生人站在你家门前是,你应该有所堤防。2、After all, cities are hyper-social plac20、You can call him a pointguard, a twoguard, I just call him aguardand he gets the job done. 21、Police were onguardat Barnet town hall. 22、They

7、Remove the door sub-framefrom the basic doorframe. 8、guardframelower gusset plate 9、The windowframewas warped. 10、tripod-framesupported vent son guard造句1、BE ON GUARD AGAINST ATTEMPTS TO REVIVE MILITARISM IN JAPAN警惕日本极少数人复活军国主义2、We must be on guard against hidden enemies.我们必须警惕暗

●▂● on guard 挖adv. 在岗,警惕形容词:1. vigilant; 例子"on guard against con artists"; 相似"must remain on your guard in such a situation" keep guard 挖站岗,8. They did their best tokeepon theirguard[ on the alert ] . 他们尽量保持警惕. 来自互联网9. Should you trust the other person orkeepyourguardup? 如果您信任的其他人或使您的后卫吗?来


标签: jaw造句



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