
用as soon as造句子,so…that造句简单

as soon as造句简单带翻译 2023-06-19 20:31 205 墨鱼
as soon as造句简单带翻译

用as soon as造句子,so…that造句简单

He will call me as soon as he comes bsack他一回来就给我打电话。常用词组as soon as possible=as soon as sb can/could They want to finish the project 12、As soon as you hear the fire alarm you need to clear out of the buildingas soon aspossible. 13、ASAP doesn't mean drop everything, although some

As soon as i finish shaving, i'll look for it .等我修好了胡须,就去找。You will be clear about it as soon as you look at it .你⼀看就会清楚的。To this he hastened17、你好,可造句为1.Wecangoandplaybasketballassoonasthehomeworkhasbeenfinished. 18、主句从句都是过去时:19、Assoonasmyparentsheardthis,theytookmetothe

1、I will call you as soon as she arrives.我一到后就打电话给你。2.I had hardly opened the door when the dogbarked.我还没把门打开,狗就叫了起来4、I write you as sas soon as造句复制1、She started pitching into meas soon asI arrived.(我刚一到她就劈头盖脸地批评起我来。2、I'll call youas soon asI get home.(我一到家就给你打

下面为您提供关于【as soon as造句】内容,供您参考。1、She started pitching into meas soon asI arrived.(我刚一到她就劈头盖脸地批评起我来。2、I'll call youas soon asI getas soon as造句1、I stopped watching TV as soon as my father came back. 2、As soon as he sat down,he took out his English books . 3、I will call you as soon as she arrives.I had hard


标签: so…that造句简单



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