
printout造句,dip into造句

painted造句 2024-01-03 10:15 831 墨鱼

printout造句,dip into造句

单词printing 例句大全,用单词printing造句:In the cardprintingand membership card design requirements for gravureprintinginks for liquidity. 在制卡和会员卡制作过程单词priority 例句大全,用单词priority造句:accordpriority. 给予优先权sort bypriority. 按优先级排序absolutepriority. 绝对优先权priorityof air mail 航空邮包优先发

∩▂∩ 【1】→给学生展示电脑打印资料(showing students printout from a computer); 【2】→给学生展示大量的单词使用实例(showing many examples of the word being used); 【会心之处7、Printout, photocopy, andtake notes of relevant information.(打印、影印出来、对相关的信息做笔记。8、take notes after an incident.(出事情以后纪录笔记。展开更

单词printer 例句大全,用单词printer造句:An impactprinterthat uses a bar to carry the type slugs. 用棒带着活字进行打印的击打式打印机。How to remove the breakdown GLP造句1、ISO/GLP-compliant Printout or Record 2、Data Printout/Record(ISO/GLP-compliant) 3、Protection ofGLPon Lung Injury in Hemorrhagic Shock Re

(-__-)b computer printer的造句和例句:1. Telephone , mobile phone etc computer printer scanner etc电饭煲,电风扇等各种小型2. Using a personal computer printer as a test iprintmakings的造句和例句:1. printmaking studio, b f, hong kong museum of art 免费公开艺术活动动动手,印张贺卡给老友2. The composite elements of printmaking 谈版

27. The printer ran out of ink, resulting in a faded color printout. 28. The movie was known for its use of vibrant colors and stunning visuals. 29. The butterfly15、A buzz of excitement filled the courtroom as thedefendantwas led in.(被告被带进来时,法庭内充满激动的嘈杂声。16、As proof of the amount owed to it, the hospi


标签: dip into造句



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