

which怎么读 2023-10-16 10:55 156 墨鱼


1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇nine,eight,four,five,six,seven,ten.2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇one,two,three,lovely,toy.3.能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型Howoldareyou?Howlovely.I’mten.Her步骤一:打开How Old Net官网How Old Net网站地址:How-Old.net HOW OLD DO I LOOK? #HowOldRobot 步骤二:选择想要测算年龄的照片我们可以选用官方提供的样图,

听听怎么读英[hau əuld] 美[haʊ old] 是什么意思释义几岁;学习怎么用双语例句No one could guess how old she was. 没有人能猜出她几岁。How could I dream that he你多少岁英语怎么读怎么写How old are you? (常前旅用)慧唯凳What's your age, please? (可以这么说,山做但是不常用) 你多少岁用英问题一:你多大年龄了!用英语怎么说?how old are

ˋωˊ how old are you怎么读?how old are you的读音:[hau əuld ɑ: ju:] 。how old are you英[hau əuld ɑ: ju:] 美[haʊ old e(r) ju] 意思:你多大年纪old英how old 美英conj.多少岁网络多大;几岁;多大年纪英汉网络释义conj. 1. 多少岁释义:全部,多少岁,多大,几岁,多大年纪下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows Phone Android

姓名祥批八字改名八字精批宝宝起名您的姓氏:您的名字:您的性别:男女出生日期:姓名详批重新填写[直译] 多大[详尽释义] 1. 多大HOWOLD是什么意思?以上就是HOWOLD的含how英音:hau]美音:hau old英音:əuld]美音:old

how old are you的读音:hau əuld ɑ: ju:] 。how old are you英[hau əuld ɑ: ju:] 美[haʊ oUnit 5 How old are you? “年龄与数字”1. Hello, I am Tim. I'm seven. I have a brother, Mike. He is ten. This is Helen. She's my sister. She is nine. Who is that


标签: 13怎么读英语



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