
quarrel about,quarrel和argue的区别

quarrel用法 2022-12-26 04:04 167 墨鱼

quarrel about,quarrel和argue的区别

When people bicker, they argue or quarrel about unimportant things. I went into medicine to care for patients, not to waste time bickering over budgets. [V + over/about]Verb The children quarrel all the time. She and her husband are always quarreling about money. I don't want to quarrel with you. Word History Etymology Noun (1) Middle Englis

quarrel[5kwCrEl]vi.吵架,争论;挑剔n.吵架,反目;怨言;争吵的原因;方头凿【例句】We had a quarrel about money. 我们就钱的问题争吵起来。【词组】quarrel patch up a quarrel pick a quarrel with 用作动词(v.) quarrel about〔over〕v.+prep.) quarrel with (v.+prep.) 【篇三】quarrel的用法例句1. They could quarrel quit

hear about听说,inquire about打听,know about了解,quarrel about争论,read about读到,see about负责处理,set about开始,speak about谈起,talk about谈论,think about考虑quarrel的用法5:quarrel是不及物动词,常与介词with搭配使用。用作名词(n.) patch up a quarrel pick a quarrel with 用作动词(v.) quarrel about〔over〕v.+prep.) quar

soitwasintheirinteresttomendthebridge.Thequarrelwentonandon,andsodidthehole.Themoreitwenton,themorethehostilitybetweenthetwotownsgrew.Onedayamanfellquarrel about vt.争论关于的事I got involved in aquarrel aboutthe price. 我被卷入了一场有关价格的争吵。Don'tquarrelaboutthat problem any more. 不要再争吵那个


标签: quarrel和argue的区别



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