
how many are there怎么回答,HOwmany造句要回答

How much are there 2023-10-16 21:46 302 墨鱼
How much are there

how many are there怎么回答,HOwmany造句要回答

答案:There are (数one /two /three/数量词)books.个人解析:How many 是用来提问数量的个数的.”.are there?“是there be 句型的提问,表示:有.”整个句我是英语老师,我来帮你解答吧。首先你的问题不够完整,how many后面还应该有个名词复数,然后就这样回答:There are +数字。如How many books are there on the d

解析There is an apple. 结果一题目how many are there 如果这东西是单数,怎么回答,例:一个苹果答案There is an apple. 相关推荐1 how many are there 如果这东西是单-There are___. 答案:B。解析:how many后接可数名词复数,故为days,由常识可知一周有七天,故为seven,综上所述,故选B。2022美杜莎版传奇,神装全靠打,不肝不氪全

How many .are there怎么回答答案1、how many句型用来提问可数名词(就是可以加s或es的名词).例如:How many books are there?可以加可数名词的复数形式.2、how much句型用来直接回答成数字或用There are ..。来回答。如:How many students are there in your class?Fifty-six.或There are fifty。

╯△╰ howmanypencilsarethere,这样写英语句子太不像话了,错误就不一一指出了,直接把正确的句子写出来:How many pencils are there问的是有多少支铅笔。这是有there 1 How many boys are there 的意思为“有多少男孩”回答视具体情况而定,可参考如下:There are five boys . “有5个男孩。”There are ten boys . “有10个男孩。”扩展资料:how


标签: HOwmany造句要回答



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