10-17 682
grade句子 |
1)Grade[英][ɡreid][美][ɡred]年级1.A comparative study on grade and gender differences in the pressures on military college students;军校大学生校园压力的年级和单词Grade 例句大全,用单词Grade造句:He got agradeA in math. 他数学得了“A”。The Reckoning by the Abacus to Pass theGradeand the Psychology of Wallenda 珠算通级
用grade造句用1. I received an excellent grade on my math test. 2. Sarah's hard work paid off when she achieved the highest grade in the class. 3. The teacher pragrade造句1、Both left school in the fourthgrade in Mexico and are resident aliens in the United States.(在墨西哥时两个人都是在4年级退的学,现在都是居美外侨。2、She t
8、You must have goodgrades. 9、Are you in differentgrades? 10、Potatoes are sold ingrades. 11、a judge who assignsgradesto something. 12、The standgrade造句1、Because of her "improvement" theory, I got a lower grade than I deserve.因为她的“进步”理论,我得到了比我应得的更低的分数。2、Perfect grade and grayn
16、The twins were in the eighthgrade. 17、I'm in the sixthgradenow. 18、Weapons-gradeuranium is 95% 235U. 19、So, whatgradeare you in, man? 20、Low5. All parts are machined from top grade, high tensile aluminium. 所有零件都是用顶级高强度铝加工而成。6. Mr White teaches first grade in south Geor
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标签: 用care造句简单
10-17 682
懂懂笔记近期接触了不少港货代购,想了解他们的近况,最终有几个人不约而同地给了一个信息,“你们应该抽空再到口岸看看去。”去口岸,能看到什么? 再次来到深圳罗...
10-17 682
1 如果邮箱服务商提供了回收站业务,而被删除邮件没有彻底删除,那么可以进入回收站找回,具体操作依赖于邮箱类型。2 如果邮箱没有提供回收站业务,或者邮件已经被彻底删除,那么...
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中班教育随笔笔记 幼儿园中班安全教育随笔记推荐度: 中班教育随笔笔记(精选15篇) 无论是在学习还是在工作中,大家一定没少看到别人写的随笔吧?随笔,顾名思义就是随笔一记,篇幅一般比...
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新华网北京10月8日电 2024年全国硕士研究生考试网上报名今日启动,具体报名时间为10月8日至10月25日每天9时至22时。 初试时间为2023年12月23日至24日(每天8时30...
10-17 682