

grade句子 2023-10-17 17:59 682 墨鱼


1)Grade[英][ɡreid][美][ɡred]年级1.A comparative study on grade and gender differences in the pressures on military college students;军校大学生校园压力的年级和单词Grade 例句大全,用单词Grade造句:He got agradeA in math. 他数学得了“A”。The Reckoning by the Abacus to Pass theGradeand the Psychology of Wallenda 珠算通级

用grade造句用1. I received an excellent grade on my math test. 2. Sarah's hard work paid off when she achieved the highest grade in the class. 3. The teacher pragrade造句1、Both left school in the fourthgrade in Mexico and are resident aliens in the United States.(在墨西哥时两个人都是在4年级退的学,现在都是居美外侨。2、She t

8、You must have goodgrades. 9、Are you in differentgrades? 10、Potatoes are sold ingrades. 11、a judge who assignsgradesto something. 12、The standgrade造句1、Because of her "improvement" theory, I got a lower grade than I deserve.因为她的“进步”理论,我得到了比我应得的更低的分数。2、Perfect grade and grayn

16、The twins were in the eighthgrade. 17、I'm in the sixthgradenow. 18、Weapons-gradeuranium is 95% 235U. 19、So, whatgradeare you in, man? 20、Low5. All parts are machined from top grade, high tensile aluminium. 所有零件都是用顶级高强度铝加工而成。6. Mr White teaches first grade in south Geor


标签: 用care造句简单



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