
put down造句简单,putin造句简单

prevent from造句 2023-05-20 18:22 822 墨鱼
prevent from造句

put down造句简单,putin造句简单

put down造句1、Dannyput down his glass.(丹尼放下他的玻璃杯。2、put down your hand and sit down.(放下你的手并坐下。3、When Iput down the phone, my savings were gone.(当我放下电话22.The fire brigade had to pull down part of the building to put out the fire. 23.We need to pull down the old pipes and replace them with new ones. 24.The villag

put down造句1、The Doyle couple put down a good supply of meats, eggs, wine and pickles.多伊尔夫妇贮藏了许多肉、蛋、酒和泡菜。2、For many, a successful marriage put down to造句1、For many, a successful marriage can beput down toattraction, devotion, patience - and true love. 2、This massive production of po

put down的意思为:放下,平定等. 用put down造句如下:We must go to put cash down. put down造句例二:Mike know that i do put people down occasionally.Becaust we are 单词put down 例句大全,用单词put down造句:If they are not,put downthe pen and hold your breath. 如果他们没能获胜,请放下手中的笔,屏住呼吸。Heput downhis briefcase

●﹏● 1、put down(exterminate)vermin 2、Dannyput downhis glass. 3、We mustput downexpenditure. 4、Sheput downher spoon. 5、Don'tput downyour hands. Put the他因为工作态度而受到批评。He was put down for the way he worked.

1.写下put down the new words and then read them loud.把生词记下来,然后大声读出来.2.放下put down your bag and take a rest把包放下,休息一会吧.3.镇压the governmenput daun. put down的意思为:放下,平定等. 用put down造句如下:We must go to put cash down. put down造句例二:Mike know thati do put people down occasionally.Becaus


标签: putin造句简单



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