
you are your home出自哪里,who are you是什么意思

are you from around here 2023-06-04 22:59 213 墨鱼
are you from around here

you are your home出自哪里,who are you是什么意思

Make up your mind, I'm all yours. 下决定吧,我都听你的。如果去掉all,即"I'm yours" 才是表达:“我是你的,我属于你”接下来跟小酱一起学习更多地道表达听对方的、同意对方的专辑:你在歌手:夜莺罗聪作词:夜莺/罗聪作曲:夜莺/罗聪编曲:jcb 混音:刘超民hook 每当你出现在我眼前幸福的边缘我只想牢牢把你搂在我的身边你说你想要星星我可以为你去摘就让我陪在你的身边

∩^∩ 童谣:《你在何处.我父》郭思达作曲,程耳作词,大石幸次郎演唱,所属:杉并儿童合唱团(日本)1. 你是我的家园概念专辑录音上市,由琳达艾德和匹柏布来森所合唱的“你是我的家园”(You Are My Home)成为全美前四十名的畅销曲。china001|基于4个网页2. 你就

GOSSIP GIRL 2.11 what he was doing monday night.|星期一晚上做了什么You're home.|你回来了douban|基于2个网页2. 就像回到了家一样闪点行动_第5季第10You are your home. Take care of yourself. #飞行#树洞#保持强大- 宝藏姐于20210603发布在抖音,已经收获了116.8万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!

Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different imYou are your home 🏡 疫情又严重了大家一定要注意安全—电子字帖🔝|约稿💌|logo设计📩 | #手写#手写字体#calligraphy #lettering #brushlettering #英文花体字#每日手写

You are my home You are the love that completes me You are the touch that has freed me I look in your eyes And I know You're my home And I'll never be alone You are my 对的,home可以做形容词,意思是“在家的”


标签: who are you是什么意思



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