12-14 962
用soup造句翻译简单 |
There is any rice in the bowl. 21931 用There is造句?怎么造?There is a boy that is lovely reading books. 20244 用There is和There are造句There is a bowls英语造句,1、These restaurants served food in large stone bowls people didn't order food from a menu.这些餐馆用大石碗供应
[C]一碗之量the amount a bowl will hold 详尽释义n. 名词碗,钵,盆大酒杯;烈酒;狂饮一碗(或一钵、一匙、一烟斗)的容量圆形露天剧场(特邀优秀球队举行的)橄榄球季后27. The bowl of a drinking vessel.杯状物喝水容器中的碗状部分28. I`d like a bowl of soup. 我要一碗汤。29. He throws a bowl from a ball of clay他用
8、a beautifully finished woodenbowl 9、bowlsb a fast bouncer 10、Ellie, where's your cerealbowl? 11、The "dustbowl" covered one hundred countries. 1英文例句大全为您提供bowl英文例句大全,词语bowl造句,关于bowl的句子,bowl怎么造句,bowl英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于bowl,bowl的句子,bowl如何造句,描写的bowl造句,bow
bowl英语造句,1、Tip one: Put a bowl of attenuant vinegar water in the corner of parlor or bedroom.方法一:将一碗已稀释的醋水置于客36、To have onebowlof rice in a society where all other people have half abowlmay well be a sign of achievement and intelligence; 37、Quickly half a
4.a salad bowl, shaker, etc色拉碗、搅拌器等. 5.The bowl fell and fragmented into bits.碗掉下,摔成碎片。6.broken bowl flower (whole plant)打破碗花花(全株) 7.bowl4. the quantity contained in a bowl 5. a large structure for open-air sports or entertainments 6. a large ball with finger holes used in the sport of bowling 7. a
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标签: vegetables怎么造句
华为手机天气无法定位当前位置怎么弄 1.在手机的桌面上找到应用程序“设置”。2.找到“权限管理”选项,点击打开。3.在上方找到“权限”选项,点击打开。4.在权限界...
12-14 962
殷秀梅所有歌曲: 《我爱你塞北的雪》,《中国大舞台》《谷穗上的蝈蝈》,《长江之歌》,《感谢大地》,《梅娘曲》,《我歌唱希望》、《理想之歌》《中国好运》、《放飞神舟》,《党啊,亲...
12-14 962
霉 汉语拼音:mei汉字笔划:15 偏旁部首:雨书写笔顺:横捺折竖捺捺捺捺撇横折折捺横捺 部首笔划:8五笔输入:ftxu(86版)ftxu(98版) 汉字解释: 霉mildew;mold;mould; 霉 méi (形声...
12-14 962