
intheeyesof造句,give out

born 2023-02-14 06:30 889 墨鱼

intheeyesof造句,give out

intheeyesof挖adv. 在心目中keep one'seyesopen挖v. 注意,留心动词:1. pay attention; be watchful;(colloquial); 相似"Keep youreyespeeled for any policemen" keyeon照看密切注意intheeyesof在的心目中在看来makeeyesatsb向某人送秋波makesbopenhiseyes使某人瞠目结舌吃惊2Ear耳朵goinatoneearandoutattheother左耳进右耳出当耳旁风pickupone


28、You can see itin the eyes ofsome of you students.8、He satin the front ofthe bus to get a good view of the village. 9、Ideal and reality always have a big gap, always dream of dream into a beautiful

ˇ▽ˇ 8、He satin the front ofthe bus to get a good view of the village. 9、Ideal and reality always have a big gap, always dream of dream into a beautiful1、In the eyes of our grandfathers, his paintings would have seemed absurd.在我们的祖辈看来,他的画也许是荒唐可笑的了。2、In the eyes of a lover pockmarks are dim

ThisthesiswasacceptedasmeetingtheresearchrequirementsfortheDegreeofMasterofTranslation.DateAdvisorDateThesisCommitteeMemberDateThesisCommitteeMemberintheeyesoftheworld的中文可以,一般用inone'seyes比较多Inmyeyes, this sentence is correct.Inhiseyes, she is a beauty. 用intheeyesof造句——Intheeyeso


标签: give out



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