

lean的同义词 2023-04-11 17:38 416 墨鱼


shred[ ʃred ] n. a tiny or scarcely detectable amount 同义词:scintillawhitiotatittlesmidgensmidgeonsmidginsmidge a small piece of cloth or paper 同义词:ragtagtagshred d:切碎;切丝;碎片shred residues:碎屑shred近义词n.碎片;少量剩余;最少量;破布debris,chip vi.撕碎rip up,tear to pieces shred例句1.Ron,meanwhil

动词shred: tear into shreds 同义词:tear up, rip up 例句:A hanging end orshred. 挂着的末梢,挂着的布条The jacket was torn toshredsby the barbed wire. 那件夹克让铁shred近义词scrap piece crumb tatter tear up rip up fragment strip bit particle slive

segment scrap shred chip fragment debris 六十七、取回索回retrieve(挽回) reclaim 六十八、搜寻search seek forage scour scout(某地) grope rummage 六十九、结实的scrap,strip,bit,piece,sliver v. slice,cut up,tear up,rip up,grate 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义shred 显示所有例句v. 1. ~ sth 切碎;撕碎to cut or tear sth into

shred /ʃred//ʃrɛd/ 添加到生词本英汉-汉英词典n. ;少量剩余;最少量;破布vt. 切成条状;用纸机撕毁vi. 撕时态:shredded, shred shredding, shreds 名词:shredder近近义词scrap 双语例句例:He said there was not a shred of evidence to support such remarks. 他说没有一丁点儿支持这些说法的证据。例:There is not a shred of truth in the story


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