
take out造句,get out of造句

first aid造句 2023-10-19 19:32 105 墨鱼
first aid造句

take out造句,get out of造句

1、Carryout(ortakeout)service 2、Don't ordertakeout. 3、Can I ordertakeouthere? 4、I brought you sometakeout. 5、Will you make it fortakeout? 6、Oh,His father forced him to take out the rubbish. 他父亲强迫他把垃圾拿出去倒了。Could you take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do the dishes? 你能把垃圾倒了。

16、Take home" differs from "take out" in that it is marketed as a home meal replacement rather than fast food. 17、Then theytake outthe frame, sh用take…out of造句用take…out of造句1. I need to take this book out of my bag and put it on the shelf. 2. Can you please take the trash out of the kitchen and pu

takeout造句1、Therefore, many Chinese people like takeout food.所以很多中国人都喜欢外卖食品。2、Whenever I go through the takeout dance with a host, I feel anxio16、Take home" differs from "take out" in that it is marketed as a home meal replacement rather than fast food. 17、Then theytake outthe frame, sh

take out造句复制1、Itake outa skipping rope and do exercise.(我拿出一个跳绳做运动。2、Find a quiet place andtake outyour reflection diary.(找一个安静的地方,拿单词take out 例句大全,用单词take out造句:What coverage will youtake outfor this consignment ? 对此货你方将投保什么险?Itake outmy contact lens. 我取下隐形眼镜。


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