

manner造句 2023-05-24 14:26 743 墨鱼


3.This is not merely an academic question.这不仅仅是一个学术问题。4.But to get there, we must move from debate and academic discussions to the real worl主页>造句>英语造句> academic造句,academic例句1、Professor Watson is leaving theacademicworld to take a job in industry、华森教授将要离开学术界到工业界去工作。2

25、Academic merit scholarships are based on students' grades, GPA and overallacademicperformance during high school. 26、Being the guard,academicedacademic circles造句1、Butacademic circleshold the personal opinion respectively. 2、Regarding to the attributes of "One", some people in theacadem

单词academic 例句大全,用单词academic造句:Students were worried that the school might steer them towards overlyacademicconcerns. 学生们担心学校可能会使他们过于倾I learn academic knowledge from my teachers

academic造句复制1、Their greatacademicsuccess was paraded as paradigmatic.(他们伟大的学术成就被当作了典范。Hao86 2、academicdepartments vary in their proce2. I was terrible at school and left with few academic qualifications. 我的学习成绩一塌糊涂,离校时几乎没有学历。3. There are wide variations caused by

We should follow the academic honesty, or we will be cheaters.———如有疑问可追问,满意请及时采纳★? 有问题欢迎向我的团队【定向求助】哦?我们将在第academic造句1、Trump's academic performance at Wharton, good or bad, didn't affect his career much.Trump在沃顿学院的成绩好坏,并不影响他的职业。2、If you are more


标签: grading造句



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