

those are造句 2023-10-15 18:18 887 墨鱼
those are造句


That is a pig .That is an orange .That is a dog.以上造句供您参考46.Look,thatisRoger. 看,那是Roger。- 来源-- 英语我能讲系列step 2 - UNIT 3 Conversation 3好评(10)差评() 47.Thatisa mercy! 那真是幸运!-- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译样例

单词that is 例句大全,用单词that is造句:That isthat's terrible. 这,这太可怕了Andthat isthat we're all human. 我们都是人。What I realized isthat isthat peds. 我that is英语造句,1、He has extraordinary qualities, that is beyond dispute.他有着天赋异禀的才能,那是无可争议的。2、That is what I have al

用that is造句子合集用that造句子简单用that 造句子简单1. 用“that”怎么造句1. That should be his mother. 那大概是他的母亲。2. When she said that,I belted into that is造句1. That is a great idea! 我们可以试一试这个好主意!2. That is not what I meant. 我的意思不是这样的。3. That is exactly what I was looking for. 这正是

+ω+ That is造句小学?1. That is my father.He's picking fruit 那是我的父亲,他在摘水果。2. That is simply not true! 那根本不是真的!3. That's against thThat is my sister. 那是我的姐姐(妹妹)That is a tree. 那是一棵树希望能帮到你


标签: 用is造句子并翻译



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