01-08 731
用up and down造句 |
upside down造句,Recycle造句简单
ˋωˊ 例句:The painting on that wall is hung upside down..同时在俚语中呢,有一个常用的句型:turn something upside down,意思是搞得乱七八糟凌乱不堪,变得一团糟。给大家两个例句:Sh1、Every pill made my insides turn upside down. 2、It's too busy to be warm. People turn upside down. 3、Don't be too complacent, otherwise things w
用英文单词upside造句子:1. The painting was hung upside down.这幅画挂颠倒了。2. Every pill made my insides t英汉网络释义upside-down 显示所有例句adv. 1. 颠倒;倒转;翻转in or into a position in which the top of sth is where the bottom is normally found and the bottom is
8、they hangupside downby their feet. 9、Think impassability, try toupside down. 10、Bats, since they sleepupside down, there are other things theyThey hungupside downfrom branches as bats do before flight. 他们倒吊的蝙蝠从树枝做飞行前。英文例句大全为您提供Upside Down英文例句大全,Upside Down英文造句,关于Ups
-当副词,upside down"表示物体上下颠倒、翻转或颠覆的动作或状态。例如:I accidentally dropped the book and it landed upside down."(我不小心掉了书,书倒着掉在地上。27、If you turn the envelopeupside down, the key will fall out.(你如果把信封倒过来,钥匙就会掉出。
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标签: Recycle造句简单
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