10-17 740
用get off下车造句 |
fix up造句,take one's temperature造句
用fix up造句相关知识点:试题来源:解析fix up 1. [口语]修理;修补;修缮:例句:We shall have to fix the house up before we can sell it. 我们得把房子修缮了后才能出fix英语造句,1、My wife always tells me that I cannot even fix a light bulb.我内子时常说我连一个电灯泡也弄不好。2、Fix ona new button
●﹏● 78.Fix, seated in the bow, gave himselfupto meditation. 费克斯正在船头上沉思。- 来源-- 汉英- 翻译参考好评(10)差评() 79.Maybe they canfixmeupa shade- down some例句:Ask your brother to fix you up with a nice girl.请你哥哥帮忙给你介绍一位可爱的姑娘。I know someone who should be able to fix you up.我知道有个人能
fix up造句1、Could you fix up my bed now?请你现在把我的床整理一下好吗?2、Robbie and Alexandra told me what you need to fix up the old library.Robbie和Alexaandragive up的造句1. After years of trying to quit smoking, John finally decided to give up and seek professional help. 2. Despite her initial enthusiasm, Sarah had t
fix造句1、Fix [Unfix] bayonets! 2、fixfirmly and stably. 3、digital monostable delayfix 4、trim-form-fixsystem 5、fixby position lines 6、Proximity22、fix upon a person to do a task 23、Culture and literaturefix upon the elegy, making it have particular enchantment.
end up with造句1. I started out wanting to be a doctor, but I ended up with a career in finance. 2. We planned to go to the beach, but we ended up with a day at fix up造句复制1、But then she need the money tofix uphouse instead.(但是她需要钱买房子要用的东西。2、Could youfix upmy bed now?(请你现在把我的床整理一下好吗?
后台-插件-广告管理-内容页尾部广告(手机) |
10-17 740
支部委员会会议记录篇一: 会议时间:__年_月_日 会议地点:学校会议室(党员活动室) 参加人员:党(总)支部委员、村委会委员 主持人:党组织书记 (负责人) 出席者:党(总)支部委员(详见点...
10-17 740
其实这个方式是最简单,也是最容易让女生获取安全感的——那就是:你要比她表现得更没有安全感。 以毒攻毒,当你的患得患失,你的吃醋蛮横,你蛮不讲理的占有欲接二连三地蹦出来的时候,...
10-17 740
商标权人是指依法享有商标权的自然人、法人或者其他组织,包括商标权的原始主体和继受主体。 法律依据:集体商标、证明商标注册和管理办法 第十六条 申请转让集...
10-17 740