
praise highly of,be in more of

learn in 2023-10-16 12:31 112 墨鱼
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praise highly of,be in more of

∩△∩ 进_百度百科(18) 促进,增强[ advance] (20)推崇,赞扬[praise highly] (25) 通“尽”。终止;竭尽[ end;exhaust] baike.baidu|基于44个网页2. 大加赞扬nciku 在是吧?  Ⅳ. think much of “⽐……更看重(考虑得多)”如:  ① He thought more of health than of money. 和⾦钱相⽐他更看重健康。  Ⅴ. sing high praise for “⾼

●▂● 1、praise highly 推崇; 赞扬2、Buyer Praise 买家好评; 顾客好评3、Public praise 口碑; 人们口头上的赞颂; 口碑信息监测; 口碑传播and then a second section with 6 transmembrane domains and an ATP-binding site that shows over 65% of amino acid similarity with the first half of the polypeptide

praise sb/sth to the skies =praise sb/sth a lot =praise sb/sthhighly =speak highly of =sing high praise of/for 高度赞扬;把捧上天--- 欢迎关注搜狐应该是praise highly of,praise highly of意思是高度表扬。praise highly of意思是高度表扬,其中praise,主要作为名词、动词,作名词时译为“赞扬,称赞;(对上

?^? 解析“高度赞扬”的表达方式,尚有如下几种供你参考:- belaud(对大加赞扬)-- gave high praise of-- speak very highly of sb结果一题目高度赞扬用英语有几种表达法?我highly praise发音意思翻译盛赞相似词语短语praise highly───推崇;推尊;高度赞扬praise highly of───高度赞扬praise───v.赞扬;尤指唱歌)歌颂(上帝);n.赞


标签: be in more of



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