

for简单造句 2023-10-15 20:25 609 墨鱼


用is造句子简单1. Is it simple to learn a new language? 2. Is the answer to this question yes or no? 3. Is it easy to make friends in a new city? 4. Is it difficu→ Your son is old enough to look after himself now. 你的儿子已经长大,可以自己照顾自己了。8.尽量使句子带点“洋味”(1) Don't worry. Be bold and try

Just as we can see from the first picture, But when glance at the second, we know tht…第三句可以简单翻译中文标题或是描述,或者直接引出主题And below the drawing, a ti单词is 例句大全,用单词is造句:Itissad, but itiswhat itis. 现状是悲哀的但事已至此Howishe?Ishe okay?Ishe good? 他怎样了,他没事吧,他还好吗Thisisblackmailisit what

●△● symbol造句简单带翻译如下:1、a symbol of commercialism or greed。营利主意或者贪婪的象征。2、The aesthetic nais英语造句,1、Ryan Hooper says that it is wise to leave kids in the dark about real estate decisions.瑞安·霍伯说,不让孩子

is造句复制1、Experienceiswhat matters—ageisof secondary importance.(重要的是经验—年龄是次要的。2、I'm not suggesting thatiswhatishappening.(我并不是说那就是1、Here is my broomstick, here is my hat. 2、I have a potato here and here is a corkscrew. 3、Ok, class here is an exam paper. 4、The main concern h

(°ο°) 1.This is what we support.这是我们所拥护的。2.I agree that she is the ablest of us.我承认她是我们之中最能干的一个。3.This is all I have.这就是我的全部家7. Its weight is light. 8. Its sound is soft. 9. Its purpose is to provide light. 10. Its function is to illuminate a room. 造句简单小学探索句式特点及训练思路一


标签: 英语用is造一个句子



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