

impressing的过去式impressed 2023-08-26 14:06 912 墨鱼


impress造句1.How can I impress my boss?(我怎么能给老板留下深刻印象? 2.affected manners intended to impress others.为了给别人留下印象而故意作某事的行为方式。3.t单词impress 例句大全,用单词impress造句:toimpressa die into clay 把印模压印在陶土上toimpressa motion upon a ball 将动力传递给球Toimpressfavorably in advance. 打

╯ω╰ 1、impresswax with a seal 2、Don't try toimpresswomen. 3、Don't try toimpresseveryone. 4、Who is it you're trying toimpress? 5、But there was nobody主页>造句>英语造句> impress造句,impress例句1、Iimpressed on him the importance of his work、我使他注意他的工作的重要性。2、I was veryimpressed by his story、

>0< It's difficult to seedress to impressin a sentence. 用dress to impress造句挺难的Don'tdress to impress; if you're a serious shopper, you'll want to have comfortab1、impress sth on〔upon〕sth 使…铭记2、impress sth on〔upon〕sb 使某人牢记某事3、impress with (v.+prep.) 把…印在…上;因…获得好印象4、impress

I want to impress him.我想给他一个好印象.He spoke loudly to impress.他大声讲话以引起注意.impress造句复制1、One could therefore present Napoleon in terms of his desire toimpressor Churchill in terms of his lonely gloom.(因此,人们可以把拿破仑描述为渴

impress的用法例句:1. A style consultant will demonstrate how to dress to impress. 时尚顾问将示范如何穿着以给人留下深刻印象。2. The speaker tried hard to impress1、impress的用法有:①impress sb 指感动某人、给某人留下印象It didn't impress me as a good place to live.那地方没有给我留下适合居住的印象。Maybe we buy lattes in order


标签: confidence造句



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