

what date 2023-10-15 16:31 741 墨鱼
what date


What day is it?问星期几What is the date 问几月几号结果一题目what day is it?和what is the date 答案What day is it?问星期几What is the date 问几月几号相关推荐例句:Excuse me! What time is it? My watch stopped. 打扰了!现在是几点钟?我的手表停了。💡"改天吧"的英语是什么?在学习外语的时候最不能有的就是中式思维,因为不同的语言他们

今天几号?今天10号。What day is it today? It's Sunday.今天星期几?今天星期日。What date is it?/What's today's date?今天是几号?Today's date is May 7.今天是5月7号。date作名词,在日常口语中,除了“日期”,被使用频率最高的意思要数“约会”了。date作

高中英语入门超级重要的60个句型,附有例句,不爱记语法理论的同学,一定要多背自己不熟悉的句式。1. as…as 和……一样中间必须用形容词或副词原级。例如:Thi一日人生-陈乐乐-财新博客What do you fear?( 你怕什么?What date is it?(今天是什么日子? joy.blog.caixin|基于2个网页例句必应词典应用准确权威无广

It is said /reported/believed that…据说/据报道/大家都相信……I have made up my mind to …我已下决心……I am sure that…我确信……I am not sure w例句:(1)what day is it today?It's Sunday。中文意思:今天星期几呢?回答:今天是星期天。(2)What's th

╯0╰ 例句释义:全部,今天是几号,今天几号,今天是几月几号更多例句筛选1. What date is it today? Today is December the fourth (Dec. 4). And December is the last month of1.―What is the date today? ―It’s . A.Thursday B.June the sixteenth C.the best day D.June fifteen 2.―Do you know ? ―At 8:00 a.m. A.who to talk with B.when to have


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