
it is said that的用法例句,it's said that 用法

that is to say 2023-10-16 16:59 806 墨鱼
that is to say

it is said that的用法例句,it's said that 用法

consider的用法例句consider的用法consider的用法1:consider的基本意思是用脑细想和斟酌,也可表示为找到结论而想方设法,还可以表示限定在确定的观点上,即“1、If you wait, all that happens is that you get older. 如果你等待,发生的只有变老。2、Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk

It is said that visitors spend only half as much money in a day in Leeds as in Lon-don. 据说,游客每天在利兹的花销仅为在伦敦的一半。5)倍数词+as+形容词+as The reservoir i12. We could still make it, but we won't get there till three. 我们仍然可以赶去,只不过要到3点钟才能到。13. "Till we meet again, wherever that is," said the chairman. “

you said it 一点不错!可不是!umm said 乌姆赛义德(卡塔尔) It is said that 据说it is said that 据说It used to be said that 过去人们常说It is said that 据说…said and done 是据说,据传言的意思过去式,it was said that + 句子,【谓语用过去时】现在时,it is said that +句子【谓语用现在时】将来时,it will be said that +句子【

It is said that she works as an actress.She is said to work as an actress.篇1:wish用法总结例句:1、I wish they'd signpost the roads better. 我希望他们能把路标做得更好一些。2、I wish kippers weren't so bony. 我希望腌鲱鱼没有这么多刺儿。3、I

speak用作动词的用法例句Does anyone speak English here?这儿有人会说英语吗?I'm quite capable of speaking for myself, thank you!我还是有能力把话说清楚的,谢谢你吧。The pa16.It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink. 17.It is reported that a space station will be built on the moon in


标签: it's said that 用法



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