

圣诞节购物的策略 2023-10-14 12:21 610 墨鱼


🌟 @皮卡一只猪为大家整理出超全超实用的“打折季折扣英语表达清单🧾”帮助你购物无忧!推荐你看👀 1.买一送一buy one get one free 2.第二件八折buy one get one 20% off 3.第二1. TK直播一定要英语特别好2. 迷信低价甚至免费送换取流量3. 直播账号随意选择七、TK 小店入驻(以英国小店入驻为例) A. 注册基本信息B. 提交入驻资料1. 选择公司主体所2. 选入

a他们正在观赏天上的星星They are watching the space the star[translate] acarpenter 木匠[translate] a列一个购物清单Arranges in order a shopping detailed list[tran44. 英语分级读物:培生幼儿英语建议适读年龄:2-3-6岁xier两岁半之后,我就考虑给她引入两套分级读物了,之前研究过英语分级读物有RAZ,牛津树,海尼曼,培生,I can read,丽声系列,美国

≥^≤ 6.English corner 英语角7.equipwith 使……具备……8.develop one’s interest 培养兴趣9.form the habit of reading 养成阅读习惯10.make full u●《杀死一只知更鸟》女主的爸爸阿蒂克斯是我幻想中的老公啊!正直,善良,对周围的事与物总是抱有

请用一般将来时列一份你购物的清单英语作文篇一Next week is my mother's birthday.We will hold a birthday party for her.We will invite many people to attend. Now my英文版购物清单作文篇一:unit5作文学单Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section 1a-1d and Writing .课前自主学习写一写,英汉互译Educational__

"Done all my shopping?" she asked in surprise, "Well, I found your shopping list beside the telephone, so I went to the shops and bought everything 英语作文购物清单,大学How to develop good consumption habits?Everyone is a consumer.In order to save more money and buy what we really need,we can't overemphasiz


标签: 购物清单



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