10-17 277
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有一首歌icansayno,i say no way
icansayno是《ICantSayNo》这首歌。歌曲由邓非凡作词作曲并演唱,表达了歌者在爱情中的美好感受,歌词简单直接,曲调婉转流畅,娓娓道来。Ah I can't say no if you ask me Baby baby baby I can't say no no no no no if you ask me Ah ah I can't say no if you ask me I can't say no no no no no if you ask me I can't say no oh
I can't say no Thought you there when I hide You gone when I'm low I'm lost in your world Tell me who have I become When I can't say no To you To you oh T爱看c有no是什么英文歌题主是否想询问“I、Can、Say、No是什么英文歌吗”?《ICan、Say、No》。1、歌词节选:Just、to、be、where、you、are。I、can、say、no、
≥ω≤ i can say no(酒店背景音乐),由歌手喻然演唱,酷我音乐网提供i can say no(酒店背景音乐)无损音乐,i can say no(酒店背景音乐)免费无损下载,i can say no(酒店背To say no to you now To say no to you now But somethings that'll never change Some scars you can't erase And I'm down on my knees when I pray That I
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标签: i say no way