
what areyou,what are you doing下一句

what are you doing something 2023-02-12 06:43 638 墨鱼
what are you doing something

what areyou,what are you doing下一句

˙△˙ What are you?是一个一般疑问句,意思是:你是干什么的?what you are 是what are you?的陈述句语序的句子,不能独立使用,一般是充当其它句子的某个成份。如:I Key phrase: What’s up, weirdo? Why it works: It matches the tone of your friendship, keeping things friendly and light. 5 alternatives to “How are you?”in an email

what areyou doing

+△+ what are you的中文释义为你是干什么的。例句:What are you doing with those matches? Give them to me.你拿那些火柴做什么?把它们交给我。what are you 你2."What are you getting at now?" demanded Rick. “你现在是什么意思?”里克质问道。3.If the car needs cleaning, what are you waiting for? 如果这辆汽车需要清洗,你还在等

what areyou 弄啥嘞

o(?""?o what are you什么意思作者:沪江英语2020-12-07 13:13 👉英语入门级学员专享福利>> 🔥英语精品课程,免费学!2023焕薪升级🧧学英语返现金,最高返50%现金>> ✍️what are you意思:你是干什么的what用作疑问代词时,其基本意思是“什么,什么东西,什么事情”,用作疑问句,为


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