
used to do的例句,used的六个短语

usedtodosth造句及翻译 2023-10-16 14:53 215 墨鱼

used to do的例句,used的六个短语

used to do中“used”单独做谓语动词表示过去经常,一般过去时态(常态)。示例:He used to go to our school。他曾在我们学校就读。be used to doing中“used”是形容词,表达“习下面是一些使用used to do说明过去某种状况的句子:1.以前习惯每天都去健身房,但现在却不再去了。I used to go to the gym every day, but I don anymore. 2.以前都会吃肉,但

3. I used to get up early in the morning.我过去通常起到很早。以上例句中的“used”都是独立的谓语动词,所以其后跟随的“to”为不定式符号,这就是“used to do”的由来。二、used todo造句子简单(used to do 简单造句) used todo造句子简单【一】1 . 余才十四乃童生,扁担箢箕且随行。2 . Don t get me started on it 3 . 我们应有的生命,光环,都是每天可

≥ω≤ 例句He used to do a lot of drinking but has signed off now. 他过去常常喝酒,但现在戒掉了。He used to do such work as he could pick up. 他惯常能够找到什么活就干什意思:过去常常做某事,也可以理解为过去爱好做某事。用法:sb used to do sth.例:1. I used to swim in the pond behind my house.我过去常常在我家后的池塘游泳

1、used to do sth. 过去经常做某事例句1:He used to play football but now he likes playing basketball.译文1:他过去常常踢足球,可是现在他喜欢打篮球。例句2:Mike used to 1 理解意思:be used to doing表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某事 used to do表示过去经常做某事2 be used to doing表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某事例句:I am used to cleaning the room


标签: used的六个短语



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