
put in place,present

practice 2023-08-29 11:28 474 墨鱼

put in place,present

?▂? 单词“put in place”通常用来描述将某物放置到正确的位置或状态,或者是安排好某件事物。例句I need to put the books back in place on the shelf.(我需要把书放回书架上记忆法单词:putin place音标:put in pleis] 读音putin place的发音:单词解释准备就绪,布置妥当与putin place 相关的例句Place the mat, then the plate, nap

ThewayWall Streetdid IPOscameunderscrutiny.Andawhole setofruleswereputinplacetotry tostopaccountingfraudslikeEnron. 由于华尔街推出IPO(首次公开募股)的手法受到了密put sb. in his place v. 使某人安分value of new construction put in place 新建筑完工量价值in place of adv.代替no place 出版处不明无地址,地址不详in place 1. 在适当的地方2. 适

put in place───到位;落实到位;正在实施;实施;实现;做到;把…放到合适的位置in a place───在一个地方put into place───付诸行动;发挥实际作用in place───[直译] 落实到位[基本释义] »杀的气焰»使安分[详尽释义] 1. 杀的气焰2. 使安分PUT IN PLACE是什么意思?以上就是PUT IN PLACE的含义解释和发音。最近查询] 姓名祥

Architectural elements put in place to make it easy to extend in the future manifest as accidental complexity until you start using those elements. 架构元素落实到单词发音:英[ put in pleis ] 美[ pʊt ɪn ples ] 基本解释:实施;实现;做到;把…放到合适的位置put in place 是什么意思及中文翻译:实施实现做到把…放到合适的位置


标签: present



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