

Greetings英语怎么读 2023-10-15 15:34 898 墨鱼


E.复习歌曲Hi, Nancy F.Homework.1.跟读课文对话三遍2.复习歌曲附板书设计Unit 1 Nice to meet you Good morning.This is…Good afternoon.——Nice to meeNice to meet you!Section A1.—Hi! 4.—I’m Kangkang. Are you Michael?—Hi! —Yes, I am.2.—Hello! 5.—Nice to meet you.—Hello! —Nice to me

hi nice to meet you中文说为嗨,很高兴见到你。双语例句:1、CHILDREN: Hi! Nice to meet you.孩子们:嗨!见到您to meet you 英[nais tu:mi:t ju:]美[naɪs tu mit ju]很高兴见到你'meet'发音以/t/ 结尾,you'发音以/j/ 开始。在日常流利口语中,如果一个单词以/t/ 发音

o(?""?o 今天与师傅交流时还在说,他们看见我就说“Nice to meet you.”我是应该开心还是不开心。师傅说:“开心才对,至少他们在用,在说,也算是小小的进步。”想想也是,Hi/Hello/Goodmorning,LiuTao.LiuTao:Hi/Hello/Goodmorning,Helen.Pictures2.LiuTao:Hi/Hello/Goodmorning,YangLing,ThisisHelen.YangLing:Nicetomeetyou,Helen.Helen:Nicetomeetyou

⊙ω⊙ 三、读左栏的句子,从右栏中选择合适的答语连线。15分) 1、What’s your name ? A、Good evening! 2、Good evening! B、My name’s John . 3、Nice to meet nice to meet you 怎么读Hi! / Hello! Good morning. Hello, nice to meet you. / Nice to see you. How are you? I am fine, thank you. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。Please say bye-bye to your mum

Hi, Li Yan. This is Kate. 你好,李妍。我是凯特。Glad to meet you. 见到你很开心。Glad to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。Just learn 学一学book 书bag 包Let's sing Nicetomeetyou!Howareyou?Howoldareyou? Howmany?Howmuch?Howdoyoufeel1?等问句及回答Step2:Presentation 1、教师用Hello/Hi向学生们问好,再用英语向同学们作简单的自我介


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