
用connect with造句,connect的例句

用connect造句简单带翻译 2023-10-17 11:15 152 墨鱼

用connect with造句,connect的例句

用connectwith造句并翻译?1 connectwith意思是:和…有关橘迟段系,与……相连圆誉;连接;与…联系。双语例句Where does the connect with the gas -pipe 2、If you stand on stage and share your view of the world, people will connect with you. 如果你站在舞台上,分享自己对世界的看法,人们会与你产生共鸣的。3、He is a distant technocrat wh

They fit closely together and connect with each other. 它们紧密地卡合在一起,联结成一个整体。A good student must connect what he reads with what he sees around him. 一个与…连接:A corridor connects his office with the main building. 一条走廊把他的办公室同主楼连在一起.

用connectwith造句并翻译with的用法,造句!各一个) 用connect造句!connect的意思是连接用with造句请用connect造句猜你喜欢1at that moment i ---(know)connect with造句复制1、The key to successful small talk is learning how toconnect withothers, not just communicate with them.(与别人成功闲聊的关键是学会如何与他

1、Use social media toconnect withtravelers. 2、To provide with pipes orconnect withpipes. 3、This sentence does not seem toconnect withthe context用connect with造句子2.connect with friends.(多与朋友联系。3.They need you to connect with them.(他们需要与你交流。13.connect with community.(与社



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