
at work,work

lot 2023-10-15 10:29 642 墨鱼

at work,work

AtWork for EmployersSearch Jobs Staffing Solutions For nearly 30 years leading companies from across the nation have trusted AtWork to recruit the very best talent. From general labo1. at work:这个词组的意思是“在工作中;在上班”。例句1:Tomwas still at work when I got back. 我回来的时候汤姆还在工作。例句2:Don’tphone me when I am at work. 我

at work 重复播放adv. 在工作,在运转英文解释形容词:1. on the job;例子"had been at work for over an hour before her boss arrived"+ 看、听、说That doesn't reallB: I'm at work right now. 我现在就在工作。in work 表达的意思就是to have a job,有工作,非失业如果你说I'm in work,它强调的意思是I have a job. 我有一份工作。例句:He was

at work at work是什么意思at work基本解释工作中网络释义1. 在工作2. 上班3. 正在工作4. 在工作忙于5. 在上班7. 起作用8. 在起作用9. 忙于10. 在运转at work onadv.从事于work for为工作,为做事,为尽力,被雇用者work with与…共事,与…协作to work【作业;运输】担当相似单词workn.[U] 1.工作;职业2.工作地

形容词at work: on the job 例句:She's quite shameless about wearing pajamas at work. 她穿着睡衣上班却不觉羞耻。After a short spell in hospital she was soon back单词:at work音标:æt wə:k] 读音at work的发音:单词解释在工作;上班与at work 相关的例句Todaywasmylastdayatwork. 今天是我工作的最后一天。Iwearashirtandtieatwo


标签: work



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