
look up的例句,lookup啥意思

lookup例句 2023-10-17 10:03 424 墨鱼

look up的例句,lookup啥意思

32、拜访(某人)NexttimeyouareinBeijing,lookmeup.你下次来北京时,来找我。33、一,抬头看Helookedupandsawabigdarkcloudcoming.二,查找Heoftenlooksupsomeinfo1.First, be sure to look up from your text or notes.(首先,一定要从你的课本或笔记中查找。2.I look up the night sky.(我仰望夜空。

用look up造句1、I looked your address up in the personnel file . 我在人事档案里找到了你的地址。2、I'll try to look him up, ask him a few questions . 我会设法登1、I have to look up a man living in Mott Street.我得去看看住在莫特街的一个人。2、Reading 'Guts' takes a full head of steam. You don't get many moments to look u

单词look up 例句大全,用单词look up造句:Look upa few words. 查几个字。Pleaselook upat it. 请抬头看它。Butlook upto the sky 只能仰望天空Look Upat the Ceiling1、Look straight,look up, look down, and blink your eyes. 2、Don'tlook upthe dictionary. 3、Ilook upat you. 4、look upand down; size up 5、Let'slook

例句:look up是动词加副词的结构,意思是查找。常见短语是look sb up。look up to是动词加副词加介词的结构,意思是抬头看(某人或某物);尊重(某人) ,常见短语是look up to sb。look look up 美英v.查找;查阅;探望;看望网络向上看;抬头看;仰望第三人称单数:looks up现在分词:looking up过去式:looked up 同义词反义词v. search,hunt,research,find,con


标签: lookup啥意思



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