
put through,put down to sth

break through 2022-12-14 01:57 260 墨鱼
break through

put through,put down to sth

up for 供以食宿;留宿put through 接通电话put…to bed 使上床睡觉put…to the trouble of doing 使…陷入做…的困境put in 放入put back 放回1.The teacher asked put through,在《生活大爆炸》中出现了多次,有多种用法。1 put through ,供…上学put(someone)through(something) : to pay for (someone) to attend (school) Howard:So, Penny

put on穿上,戴上,演出put out熄灭,扑灭put through接通电话11.subscribe同意,捐赠,订阅subscribe to sth 同意;订阅;向……捐款subscribe……to…在…上签署;向……捐12.cons[英[put θru:] 美[pʊt θru] ] put through的意思、解释put through 基本解释put through的意思实行;完成;使经历;接通(电话) put through 情景对话打对方付费电话

>﹏< Put through put through 指为…接通电话,使遭受(不愉快的经历),本场景中指后者,含义为:让某人遭受不好,不开心的经历。例如:You broke up with her on her birthday? How could strike through 透印through circulation 连续环流through hole 透孔,金属化孔through line 槽线,直通线through stone 系石through valley 贯通谷put through 【计】接通,完成sto

(°ο°) putdownto 说…因(某事)而起putforward 提出(意见、建议) putin 打断;插嘴putinagoodwordfor 为…美言几句putoneselfout 费神;花工夫putover 解释;说明;表达putthroughput-through 读音汉语翻译【计】接通,完成英语解释:动词put-through: pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue 同义词:follow through, follow up, fol


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