

the first time引导从句 2023-10-18 18:42 937 墨鱼
the first time引导从句


此句是ill when引导的时间状语从句,are picked, are sent都是一般现在时的被动结构。例:When the fruit are ready, they are picked and are sent to the market for sale当这些主语从句例句100句,主语从句例句100句带翻译是主语从句例句有:一、关系代词型what引导:What struck me was that they have all suffered a lot.给我很深印象的

when引导宾语从句当引导宾语从句的情况有很多,下面列举了十个常见的情况:1. 询问时间:When will the meeting start?(会议什么时候开始? 2. 询问地点:When is the concert?只有【过来人】才懂【过来人】的心酸,中国人才不会骗中国人。我的这篇回答可能会让你知道,他妈的

ˇ^ˇ 宾语从句,由特殊疑问词引导的,理解为某个东西,倒着翻译,主+谓+的+名词,what是东西,where是地方,why是原因。I don't know where you live.你+住+的+地方I want to know what she w分句1 +引导词+ 分句2 分句1是主句。“引导词+分句2”是从句,作为主句的一部分从属于主句。引导词可以看作是从句的一部分。具体示例如下:(例句中的下划线

when引导的状语从句学习when引导的状语从句1.当他打开门时,他看到了这只鸟。When he opened the door, he saw the bird. 2.当她六岁时,从她句会下棋。主句When she was where引导的宾语从句(32-69 )who引导的宾语从句(70 -80)whether引导的宾语从句(81-91)if引导的宾语从句(92 -

is extremely affecting sb.(students/adolescents),which leads to+后果(名词或者宾语从句)例句:With the aging population,pensions crisis is extremely affecting people,which例句:WhenBenwasthirty, hestartedto work in this college. 6.同位语从句:从句作同位语参照:The news, an absurd story made up by her enemies,isabsolutely false. 例句:The ne


标签: when引导宾语从句用法



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