

用like造句20个 2023-04-06 22:31 463 墨鱼


She would like to buy her a skirt.希望对你有用. 29613 用would like to do sth造句I would like to play football with you .我想要和你一起踢足球I wouldn't like to play foo例:Would you like to drink some tea?你要喝茶吗?-Yes, thank you.是的,谢谢。Would you like some coffee?你要点儿咖啡吗?-No, thanks.不要了,谢谢。宜城教育资源网w

I would like to apply for the position of the manager I would like to submit my project now. I would like to bee an engineer. I would like to travel 单词would like 例句大全,用单词would like造句:A gentlemanwould liketo marry a good girl. 君子好逑。And if you wish, Iwould liketo have you abandon. 而且如果你愿

≥▂≤ w ouldlike造句简单1、I would like to choose the red pencil. 翻译:我想选红色的铅笔。2、I would like to eat rice. 翻译:我想吃米饭。3、He would like to drink blac16、Hello, Iwould liketo book a minicab, please. 17、Iwould liketo know China's stance on this issue. 18、Iwould liketo share a concept to young path

can you feel how much i would like you21、I'll behave toward them as Iwould liketo be treated.(我希望别人怎样对待我,我就会怎样对待他们。22、We have a buyer whowould liketo view the prop


标签: when造句



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