10-18 712
用blow out造句 |
noisy造句1. The noisy construction work outside my window woke me up early in the morning. 2. The party next door was so noisy that I couldn't concentrate on my noisychildren/traffic/crowds 吵闹的孩子;喧闹的交通;嘈杂的人群牛津词典anoisyprotest (= when people shout) 吵吵嚷嚷的抗议声牛津词典The engine is verynoisyat hig
noisychannel有噪声信道;噪声信道;例句1. The little boy is anoisyfeeder. 这个小男孩吃东西时发出响声。——精选例句◎ 比邻bi0.cn 2. The classroom wasnoisy. 那教室很吵用noisy造句1.Thenoisyconstructionworkwascausingadisturbancetotheresidentslivingnearby. 2.Despitethenoisyenvironment,themusicianwasabletofocusandcreateabeautifulpieceofmu
7、Noisy music gets on my nerves. I hatenoisymusic. 8、He wore anoisysweater. 9、At this time, the lake wasnoisyandnoisy. 10、abrasive blasting oper解析Don't be noisy at night晚上不要太吵闹分析总结。tbenoisyatnight晚上不要太吵闹解析看不懂结果一题目用noisy造句答案Don't be noisy at night晚上不要太吵闹相
∪﹏∪ A noisy person or thing makes a lot of loud or unpleasant noise. “noisy”的人或物发出很大的噪音或令人不愉快的噪音。•I love mynoisyold typewriter用noisy造句1. 因为邻居们经常在晚上开party,所以我经常被noisy吵醒。2. 我很难集中注意力,因为工作场所太noisy了。3. 我的耳机很好,可以隔绝周围的noisy声音。4. 在公交
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标签: 用require造句