10-15 720
have sb doing |
stand doing,standing用法
下面再来看几个I can't stand 固定句型↓↓↓ 1. I can't stand sth. I can't stand her voice. 我受不了她的声音。2. I can't stand doing sth. I can't stand hearing her cry通常用于口语:不能忍受(某人、某物、做某事): 常用于can't stand sth./can't stand doing/can't stand to do/can't stand sb. doing sth. I can't stand whisk
stand doing sth造句1. I can't stand doing the dishes every night. 2. She can't stand doing her homework alone. 3. He can't stand doing the same thing every day a答案是:没有stand to do这种写法,这是错误的形式,只有stand to,stand to和stand doing的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.stand to 释
- I can’t standhaving this argument anymore. 我不能再忍受这场争论了。 She can’t standdoing the same job anymore. 她不能再忍受做同样的工作了。6. standdoing sostand doing 读音:英[stænd ˈduːɪŋ] 美[stænd ˈduːɪŋ]释义:忍受做某事。语法:基本意思是“容忍,忍耐
>ω< stand doing sth忍受做某事imagine doing sth 想象做某事suggest doing sth建议做某事finish doing sth结束做某事miss doing sth错过做某事④其他类型(1)stop doing somethi12. stand doing/to do 忍受13. encourage doing/sb. to 鼓动、助长14. forbid doing/sb. to do 禁止15. allow doing/sb. to do 允许16. permit doing/sb
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标签: standing用法
1. 打开Chrome浏览器,登录网址:ide.makeblock.com 2. 使用 Micro-USB 数据线将光环板连接到电脑的 USB 口。 3. 选中“设备”,点击“+”添加设备。 4. 在弹出的设备库页面,选中“光环板”,点击“确...
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