
put sth to use,help people的意思

put sth into 2023-10-13 13:02 690 墨鱼
put sth into

put sth to use,help people的意思

put在这里表示让某物进入某种状态,into也是可以的,比如Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy. 如果你能让自己精力充沛起来,你的创作才能也能得到十、put sth to good use,意为“充分利用”等,例如:If only we could put the information to good use.要是我们能好好利用这些信息就好了。十一、put up 1、意为“提升,举起”

put [sth.] to (good) use vs. put [sth.] into use/service 辨析:两者都有“使用”的含义。但前者强调在某个特定环境下尽到了事物或能力的功用,后者则强调自某个特定时间段“投入1.putsb to work on sth使某人做/干/从事2.putsthtoworkforsb使某物对某人有用3.putsthtouse利用某物4.putsthtotest测试某物5.putsthright弥补错误;改过;扭转局面6.puta

●△● 网络释义1. 把…投入使用教材详解9年级中14. volunteer to do sth 志愿做某事16.put sth to use把……投入使用17. plan to do sth 计划做某事..【摘要】动用的英文:put sth to use参考例句:Golf troller高尔夫运动用的手推车Free gold reserve可动用的黄金储备authority to spend 动用的英文:put sth to use 2024年二级建造

put sth to good use例句1.We should make full use of the computer skills we've learned and put them to good use in our daily work. 2.The generous financial donatiput sth to use发音意思翻译使用某物相似词语短语put to use───v.使用,利用;采用;动用;使用;利用put to do sth───安排做某事put to good use───施展;展


标签: help people的意思



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