10-12 509
Sugar造句 |
66.I thinkmashedpotatoes would be OK for me. 我想土豆泥对我来说就很好。- 来源-- 餐饮服务英语100句(A) - Unit 4 Inquiring Lesson 12 Would you like anything else?一、course主要意思有课程、讲座、路线,穿过、快跑等意思,造句如下:They're going to start an advanced course
mashed例句A hefty serving of mashed potatoes; received a hefty bonus.一道丰富的土豆泥菜;得到大量奖金The car has been badly mashed up in the accident.这辆汽车在mashed造句mashed造句1.The soup was fragrant with fresh vegetables that had been mashed finely. 2.Mashed potatoes with melted butter and cream make a perfect side
?ω? Mashedpotatoes would be fine. 要土豆泥吧。The car was badly smashedin when it hit the wall. 车撞到墙上了,撞了个粉碎。The place was badly smashedup in the air ra2、mashedpotatoes, turnips, etc 3、I can't standmashedpotatoes. 4、butter seasoned withmashedgarlic. 5、Imashedmy hand in the door. 6、And don't for
Arthurs ordered liver and peas and mashed potatoes in strode street . 在斯特罗街阿瑟点了鹅肝配豌豆和土豆泥。Think about some other ways you can achieve this same8、Just one scoop ofmashedpotatofor me, please. 请给我盛一勺土豆泥。9、Juicy chicken breast with Ribeye steak. Served withmashedpotatoand chef's vegetable. 上等
I put the mashed peanuts in a clean container. 我把捣烂的花生放进了一个干净的容器里。This restaurant only serves mashed potatoes at noon on weekdays. 本餐馆仅在mushroom英语造句,1、Tourism is a mushroom to the country旅游业是这个国家发展极快的行业。2、We expect the market to mushroom in the next
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标签: dig造句简单
10-12 509
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