
setsb.up,give away

means 2023-06-04 10:20 906 墨鱼

setsb.up,give away

1、set sb. up: 算计例:God, you guys are good. I mean, you set me up perfectly. 天哪,你们真棒。我说,你们帮装地太好了。2、would rather: 宁可,宁愿例歪果仁说的set sb up什么意思?看剧学英语「老友记片段」发布于2022-03-20 20:05 · 3383 次播放​赞同4​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢​ 举报美剧英语英语学习英语口语老友记

set up shop (slang) : to start to doing sth like a professional, etc. 2.set sb up: to arrange a meeting, like a date 撮合某人we set them up for a date set sb up : to f激起jī qǐ arouse; evoke;setfire to;set on fire; stirup 端量duān liàng looksb.upand down 搞gǎo carry on; do; get; make;setup 立lì stand; erect;setup;immed

set sb up在这里理解为to provide someone with the energy that you need for a particular period of time使精神充沛,使收获力量也就是好的教育能让你终身(都能量满满,精神充沛)受益。祝进步。老外最常用的英文短语set somebody up (with sb) 释义:set somebody up (with sb) 将某人介绍给某人在提到男女关系时必须要说到的句式,set sb up with 表示“将某人介绍给某

3. set sb up set up有太多的意思了,在这里set up指establish someone in a particular capacity, occupation, or role.也就是给某人一定的经济/权力/等等的支持,让他有能力去做某网络为某人牵线搭桥;介绍朋友;安排某人见面网络释义1. 为某人牵线搭桥我背诵了40集老友记台词_英语杂谈_天涯论坛in dire need of 急需set sb up为某人牵线搭桥move o

set sb up to provide the money that someone needs for an important task or activity that is expected to last a long time资助Winning the lottery has 1.set up sth. 创建(组织、机构等)2.set up sb. as 推崇某人3.set sb up 也有设局欺骗的意思4.set sb up 还有掇合两人,介绍两个认识(多指男女二人),当


标签: give away



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