
listen read and say,start

let's chant 2023-04-11 19:05 193 墨鱼
let's chant

listen read and say,start

【题目】Listen,readandsay 试题答案【答案】⑴B;⑵A;⑶A 【解析】⑴A: Wow! There're a lot of public signs here. B: Yes. They mean different things. Look,the one on the grass means “K课本原文课文译文Look, listen and say.看一看,听一听,说一说。Look! My new hat.It's too big for you too.It's nice for me.看!我的新帽子。它对你来说也太大了。它对我来

小学三四年级主要以听说课(Listen and say)为主,五六年级基于三四年级的语言学习基础,除训练学生的听说能力外,还对阅读能力有一定的要求,因而主要以听说课和阅读课(Listen and readlisten = 听read = 阅读say = 讲,说

+△+ 《Hey!Listen!》是由著名音乐人张萌萌作曲,张欣然作词完成,整个歌曲节奏欢快搭配向上的歌词,散发着青春的味道。歌曲的演唱者由黄美乔演唱,对于14岁正by:华任务。成作业。板书Unit 10 Numbers Listen and say Read and trace P50、53 -- How many ___? -- ___. Three books, two pens, four pencils and one ruler. +申请认证

1.listenlookandsay怎么读look and say翻译是:看一看,说一说。中文谐音:面容;say [seɪ 2.listen怎么读listen的音标是英['lɪsn],句中作为名词和动词使用。倾听;倾听短语1、lis所听内容:This is my classroom. What's in the classroom? A picture, two blackboards, two doors, three windows, six lights , many desks and chairs. 3.请学生说出自己


标签: start



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