榫卯是在两个木构件上采用凹凸结合的连接方式,凸出部分叫榫(或榫头),凹进部分叫卯(或榫眼、榫槽),榫和卯咬合,起到连接作用。 榫卯结构是榫和卯的结合,是木件之间多与少、高与低、长...
12-20 333
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形容词exterior: situated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of a building 例句:Don't be put off by his gruff exterior; he's really very kind underneath1、Beneath his confident exterior, he was desperately nervous.(他表面上自信,内心极度紧张。2、Underneath her cool exterior she was really very frightened.(她外表
22、It hold both smartexteriorand inner. Theexteriordesign and material match the machine makes one integrated mass in good view. 23、In usual, men exterior 1. The 50 Mayfair comes in a hot chocolate brown exterior colour. 50梅菲尔采用热巧克力棕色外观颜色。2. A: The plan adds the ornamental of changeable ext
?△? exterior 双语例句1. The capital that boosts town to change construction is devoted, basically rely on finance or other and exterior origin impossibly, and can gi单词exterior 例句大全,用单词exterior造句:balconyexteriorexit 阳台应急出口Go toexterioranchorage. 进入外锚地。Theexteriorcurve of an arch. 拱形的外部表面曲线。
ˇ0ˇ exterior 常考释义adj.外部的;外面的变形词复数exteriors 雅思常考例句The interior has just been repainted, and we're about to start on theexteriorof the building - thatIn one ad the viewer scarcely sees the car'sexterior 在一则广告中,观众几乎看不到汽车的外观。柯林斯高阶英语词典Theexteriorof the building is very unattractive
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标签: stationery造句
榫卯是在两个木构件上采用凹凸结合的连接方式,凸出部分叫榫(或榫头),凹进部分叫卯(或榫眼、榫槽),榫和卯咬合,起到连接作用。 榫卯结构是榫和卯的结合,是木件之间多与少、高与低、长...
12-20 333
12-20 333
榫卯讲究互相避让,以柔克刚,环环相扣,相辅相成,一如中国人的“礼”——为人处事的智慧。 时至今日,榫卯结构筑造的古建筑,却如山谷里寂寞的野百合,以被遗忘的方式慢慢消逝。 但总有...
12-20 333
12-20 333
微信误删了好友怎么找回 一、逆向找回删除的微信好友 如果当初添加好友时,是对方主动添加的你,则可以尝试通过微信通讯录顶部的“新的朋友”,在列表中找出添加好友的记录,主动添加回来。 二、通过...
12-20 333