

daydream - TEMPOREX 2023-11-24 23:42 423 墨鱼
daydream - TEMPOREX


She was a habitual daydreamer.───她总是耽于幻想。As Piscean mother is daydreamer and lives in the world of fantasy.───双鱼妈妈是个天生的空想家,渴望生活在奇名称:daydreamer 时态:daydreamed,daydreamt,daydreaming,daydreams相关短语N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑热病病原

●▂● 歌手:Adele Adele - Daydreamer Daydreamer Sitting on the seat Soaking up the sun He is a real lover Of making up the past And feeling up his girl Like he's never felt her figure beforDaydreamer - Adele Daydreamer 白日悠梦人Sitting on the sea 坐在椅子上Soaking up the sun 享受阳光He is a real lover 他的确喜欢Of making up the pa

have a dream , but don ' t be a daydreamer . be a visionary , but don ' t dwell in fantasy. 拥有一个梦想,但不要成为一个白日做梦的人。爱好幻想,但不要沉溺于幻想中。Daydreamer歌词Daydreamer白日梦想家Sitting on the sea坐在海岸边上Soaking up the sun享受着温暖的阳光He is a real lover他是个真正性情中人Of making up the past回忆着点点滴滴的过去A


标签: daydreamer是什么牌子



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