5、简述噪声的危害。(5分) 五、绘图题(共1题,共5分) 试绘图说明非保守物质进入河流后,河流水对污染物的推移、分散作用和污染物的衰减过程。六、论述题(共1题,共15分)第1页 结...
06-05 624
define造句 |
educate造句如下:1、All of it had educated and directed him .这一切都教育了和引导了他。2、The country needs an educated population .该国需要受过教育的国educate 1. Run a school with the Daqing spirit, educate people with the iron-man spirit. 20用大庆精神办学,用铁人精神育人。2. The new labeling proposals are not t
╯^╰〉 6、You will never know what she went through to educate her children.你永远都不会知道她为了教育她的孩子而经历过的事。7、Our priority is to educate people about t19、My reaction is to say, we musteducatepeople to use new technology now. 20、Run a school with the Daqing spirit,educatepeople with the iron-man s
He had paid out good money to educate his daughter at a boarding school. 他花了很多钱让他的女儿在寄宿学校受教育。详细解释:ed.u.catev.(动词)ed.u.cat.ed,ed.u.cat.i单词educate 例句大全,用单词educate造句:We alsoeducateyoung people in schools about the dangers of drug use. 我们也对学校里年轻人进行关于吸毒危害教育。An artist
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标签: acceptable造句
5、简述噪声的危害。(5分) 五、绘图题(共1题,共5分) 试绘图说明非保守物质进入河流后,河流水对污染物的推移、分散作用和污染物的衰减过程。六、论述题(共1题,共15分)第1页 结...
06-05 624
党组成员、副局长刘国志同志 负责对外贸易、服务贸易、党务、干部与人事、纪检、宣传、妇女、工会、离退休干部、协调达沃斯论坛筹备等工作。分管对外贸易处(大...
06-05 624
下面,文案猫就给大家详细介绍一下小红书物流模板怎么填的完整指南。 一、物流模板的作用 物流模板是小红书商家发货的必备工具,它的作用是让商家可以快速的填写...
06-05 624
06-05 624